Saturday, June 28, 2014

Schoolgen Launch - we are producing power!

Our 16 solar panels have been installed on Koru Hub roof and solar power generation at Amesbury school has begun! At the time of writing this we had generated 30.81 KWh of electricity and saved 6.01kg of CO2. Go to to keep up to date with our power generation.

On Tuesday we had our Schoolgen Launch assembly in which 20 Harakeke students put on a show for the school explaining the importance of using sustainable practices such as solar power generation. Katrina, a Schoolgen Teacher, worked with the students on the Monday to produce the show and it was then performed on the Tuesday morning. It was a great show and congratulations to all the students who took part in the singing, dancing, rapping and acting. The whole school thoroughly enjoyed it.

Following on from the assembly, our green team, who have called themselves the Power-Aids (great name!), put a plan together to monitor and reduce power usage around the school. I have already noticed the results of their work - lights being turned off much more around the school.  I look forward to seeing not only the savings in electricity but the savings in the budget as a result of the work of these students. This will give us money to spend on other things such as our grounds development.

Following on from this Katrina sent us an email with the following comment: "You have a wonderful and very unique learning environment. Working with your students this afternoon, it definitely shows the higher level thinking and skills set you enable for your learners." It is great to see that what we are trying to achieve as a school is working.

Thanks to everyone involved in getting this wonderful initiative underway. Helene will be our onsite Schoolgen teacher and will assist students to continue ensuring Amesbury is green.

A BIG thanks to Genesis Energy, the Wellington City Council and the Schoolgen team for making all this happen.


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